28 Feb 2018
As the fine weather bathes the country we start thinking of those red hot days, wearing three layers, sat in a freezing score box scratching marks on a slate whilst your mates run around on a sunny field getting a cooling drink every 5 minutes.
Luckily for us, the patron saint of scorers came along and gave us the scoring app to make our lives easier and then soon after came cricHQ who were able to use the data recorded by the scorer to broadcast to the world as a scorecard or with video streaming within seconds.
You will know that GMCL partnered with cricHQ from the start of the league and the company remains at the forefront of the technology and we are happy to be working with them again after they acquired new investment and new owners in recent months.
We havent stood still and we have looked at alternatives and remain engaged with those options but we are now working with cricHQ and their partners to drive improvements for us as a league, for you as clubs and for your players and members. GMCL pay all fees relative to the collection and collation of the information based on the number of divisions meaning that our clubs have no fees to pay to use the system.
We await information about the app to view live scores after the company raised a charge out of the blue last year. We have campaigned for changes to that decision and we will hear very soon on what is to happen.
So what is in store for 2018?
We will shortly seek details of who is your lead scoring admin at the club and request their contact details and show you how to add your players to the system ready for the season.
We will put together some scorers events to help those new to cricHQ scoring or those who want a refresher which will also help you understand the DLS system we use for rain affected games (which is automated by the crichHQsystem but must have the correct details entered to make it work).
We also have some help cards and guides to support you.
Rules and Regulations
GMCL rules require all senior games to be scored on the cricHQ app either on a phone or a tablet
GMCL rules require all teams to supply a scorer for every game.
Should a team find they have no scorer then they must immediately advise the opposition and certainly before arrival at the ground because if neither team has a scorer you will be in a mess.
Should one team not supply a scorer then:-
- the scorer who is in attendance is to be paid 1.5 times their normal fee
- the team that does not provide a scorer must pay the normal fee of the scorer in attendance and the team to whom the scorer is attached will pay half fee.
- this ensures that there is no financial gain to not supplying a scorer
- umpires will report clubs not having a scorer
Club admins should ensure that all players selected for a game are available to the scorers by ensuring that they are added to the correct team on cricHQ before the day of the game.
Scorers should ensure that they work together and use the team sheets given to the umpires to have all players from both sides listed on their app before the start of the game.
GMCL operates the DLS system for rain affected games and all scoreboxes should have the facility to display any the DLS Par in the second innings. The DLS Par is supplied by the scoring app after every ball. DLS Par should in the first instance be dislayed at the end of every over but where the game is close or weather is threatening to end the game it should be displayed after every ball.
For those with electronic scoreboxes who are looking for an automatic connection from the cricHQ app to their electronic scorebox please contact the cricHQ UK rep direct who will be able to give you the latest position. He is Barnaby Kent - barnaby@myactionreplay.com
For those looking to add a camera to stream their home games to the web please contact Barnaby Kent - barnaby@myactionreplay.com
Internet Connection
In order to score games live your scorer will require either Wi-Fi supplied by the home club with their password or if Wi-Fi is not available each scorer must have access to 3G or 4G for their data. Please note that the data requirement for a single game is very small. It is recommended that all scorers have access to phone data either by scoring on the phone or using a hotspot from a telephone.
Details of how to register on cricHQ, add players etc wil follow but any questions on the above or any other scoring related matter should be sent to GtrMcrCricket@mail.com (please do not send questions to the Twitter account).