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The Greater Manchester Cricket League | Est 2016 | an accredited ECB Premier League





Hospitality Guidance April 15 2021

15 Apr 2021

We are delighted to confirm that we have today received a copy of a letter issued by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport that hospitality can take place at Organised cricket matches where those participating are in line of sight of the game and that they will NOT be classed as Spectators. 

This is, on the face of it, the final item required for your clubs plans to now be implemented HOWEVER we also link the Lancs Cricket Foundation Checklist issued to all clubs last night.  If you cannot meet the requirements and do not have the necessary risk assessmensts in place you should not open. LCF Covid Requirements for Hospitality

Letter from DCMS shared as an E-mail, forwarded to us by John Murphy, LCF

15 Apr 2021