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The Greater Manchester Cricket League | Est 2016 | an accredited ECB Premier League





Latest ECB Covid News 16-04-20

4 Jul 2022

From John Murphy Clubs and Leagues Director Lancashire Cricket. This short update includes information on disability cricket, managing unoccupied properties and participant kit for All Stars.

"Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you continue to stay safe and well.

Please see the latest ECB press release, which was sent to the network on Good Friday:

The short update includes information on disability cricket, managing unoccupied properties and participant kit for All Stars.

Funding Reminder

As per previous correspondence, Lancashire Cricket strongly recommends that any clubs looking for financial support should first investigate the various Government schemes, in particular the Small Business Grant Fund (SBGF) and the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant (RHLG). More info about eligibility can be found here:

We are hearing that several Lancashire clubs have now benefitted from these schemes, with awards of between £10,000 and £25,000. Depending on the arrangements of your local authority, some clubs will receive payment automatically, while others may need to submit an online form. Please note, Lancashire Cricket are not able to advise on individual cases, so clubs are encouraged to phone their LA to determine eligibility and the likely timing of any grant.

Clubs that are ineligible for Government support should look to Sport England’s Community Emergency Fund -

Grants of between £300 and £10,000 are available to sports clubs, with a decision expected within 10 days of applications being submitted.

Lancashire Cricket expect to learn more about ECB financial support later this week. The majority of accessible funding will be via an (interest free) Emergency Loan Scheme, although a very small number of Lancashire clubs may qualify for a ‘Return to Cricket’ grant, with more details and eligibility TBC - the advice therefore is please do not wait to explore the options above!

Clubs should continue to check our Foundation website for regular updates, including the new Covid-19 information pack which is now available to download.

Please feel free to forward this message, together with any of the links included within, to your club colleagues and the wider cricket network.

Best Regards and stay safe.


John Murphy | Clubs and Leagues Director

Lancashire Cricket
Emirates Old Trafford, Talbot Road, Manchester, M16 0PX 


4 Jul 2022