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The Greater Manchester Cricket League | Est 2016 | an accredited ECB Premier League





Safe Hands

26 Nov 2020

You will have seen in a previous newsletter the request for those clubs holding Clubmark to complete a questionnaire and we gave a date of the 27th November for this to be completed. If you haven’t done this please do so quickly now. The details requested are HERE 

To help Clubs to understand the changes we have received the following note from the LCF:

The ECB are changing the Clubmark process, this looks like a split into the Safe Hands Management System and Clubmark, the Safe Hands system is designed to ensure that all clubs are safeguarding compliant and in time this will be mandatory for every cricket club in the Country. Clubmark then sits alongside this as a tool clubs can use to development plan. Exactly what the new Clubmark system will look like is to be confirmed but we are working with ECB on this and remain committed to it as a County.

The Safe Hands Management System will be rolled out in early 2021 to all current Clubmark accredited clubs initially with other clubs following in behind until all clubs are Safe Hands compliant. This is why we need information from Clubmark clubs only at this stage. These clubs will also benefit from the free insurance offer which will become available from February 1st in terms of Public / Employers liability insurance, clubs will have the option to top up (on things like contents insurance) but this will be there choice to either split or have everything in once place - a central message from ECB on this is due out.

On Clubmark, the ECB have confirmed that the operating portal has closed, it does so annually in early November following the 31st October deadline for clubs to accredit by, we also know that the ECB weren't planning to re-open this system due to the changes coming to Clubmark. I am aware there are a number of clubs wanting to accredit on Clubmark and we are working with ECB as to how the portal may be able to be (re) opened allowing clubs to complete the upload of evidence to show that they are Clubmark compliant under the current system. They will though need a site visit by one of our officers at a junior coaching night, this will mean it'll April / May until any final sign off will be possible.

If any club would like to discuss anything on any of this, please contact your Cricket Development Officer.

The ECB pages are here.


26 Nov 2020