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The Greater Manchester Cricket League | Est 2016 | an accredited ECB Premier League




Determining Promotion & Relegation

At the end of 2021 season and beyond up to 6 clubs could be promoted / relegated between divisions or there may be none.

This is dependent on clubs engagement with the league on ground development and improvement so if every club meets the requirements of the Grounds & Facilities document it will be 3 (or the allocated number for the respective divisions)

To determine who is promoted and who is relegated we will now use promotion pots and relegation pots and use the following template

  1. The lowest ranked team in the relegation pot from the higher division will be replaced by the highest ranked team in the promotion pot from lower division.
  2. The second lowest ranked team in the relegation pot will be replaced by the second highest ranked team in the promotion pot.
  3. The third lowest ranked team in the relegation pot will be replaced by the third highest ranked team in the promotion pot.
  4. The fourth lowest ranked team in the relegation pot will be replaced by the fourth highest ranked team in the promotion pot.
  5. The fifth lowest ranked team in the relegation pot will be replaced by the fifth highest ranked team in the promotion pot.
  6. The sixth lowest ranked team in the relegation pot will be replaced by the sixth highest ranked team in the promotion pot.

In order to help determine this we have provided examples below


Higher Division Finishing Places

Team / Club At Standard
of this Division?
Relegation or
Promotion Pot/Rank?
1 Team A Y  
2 Team B Y  
3 Team C N Y  
4 Team D N N Relegation Pot
no improvement in standards, 
lowest place
5 Team E Y
6 Team F N Y
7 Team G N N Relegation Pot
Rank 2
no improvement in standards, 
lowest place
8 Team H Y
9 Team I Y
10 Team J Y Relegation Pot
2nd lowest in Relegation place
after no improvements clubs
11 Team K N N Relegation Pot
Rank 1

no improvement in standards, 
lowest place 

12 Team L N Y Relegation Pot
lowest in Relegation place
after no improvements clubs

Lower Division Finishing Places

Team / Club At Standard
of Division Above?
Relegation or
Promotion Pot/Rank?
1 Team M Y Promotion Pot
Rank 1
Highest Club in Promotion Places
meeting or improving to standard of Div above
2 Team N N N
3 Team O N Y Promotion Pot
2nd Highest Club in Promotion Places
meeting or improving to standard of Div above
4 Team P N N
5 Team Q Y Promotion Pot
Highest Club in "next 3"
at standard of Division above
6 Team R Y Promotion Pot
2nd Highest Club in "next 3"
at standard of Division above

In this example, traditionally Teams J, K & L would be replaced by Teams M, N & O but this system is now replaced by Promotion & Relegation Pots, below

The new
Relegation Pot
The new
Promotion pot
The Result
The priority 1 relegation place is occupied by Team K who are the lowest placed club not to make the improvements needed The priority 1 promotion place is occupied by Team M who are guaranteed promotion as a team in the top 3 with their club at the standard of the division above Team M are promoted to replace Team K who have not made the required improvements
The priority 2 relegation place is occupied by Team G who are the next lowest placed club not to make the improvements needed

then, with Team N not making the necessary improvements towards the standard of the division above

The priority 2 promotion place is occupied by Team O who are guaranteed promotion as a team in the top 3 and their club making improvements toward the standard of the division above

Team O replace Team G who have not made the required improvements
The priority 3 relegation place is occupied by Team D who are the next lowest placed club not to make the improvements needed

then, the ranking moves to the "next 3" and the clubs who are already at the standard of the division above who can replace  teams in the higher division who are not at standard and have not made improvements.

The priority 3 promotion place is occupied by Team Q who are in the "next 3" and already meet the standard of the Division above

Team Q replace Team D who have not made the required improvements

then, with all other clubs at Standard or meeting improvements

The priority 4 relegation place is occupied by Team L who are in the lowest placed pre-arranged relegation slot

The priority 4 promotion place is occupied by Team R who are in the "next 3" and meet the standard of the Division above but because they were not in the "promotion places" they can only replace clubs who are not at standard and not making improvements. because Team L have met improvement requirements Team R cannot be promoted.
The priority 5 relegation place is occupied by Team J who are in the next lowest placed pre-arranged relegation slot not already in the pot because there are no other teams in the promotion pot Teams L and J are not relegated.


Points to Note

If Team D had made the required steps to improve then they would have not have been relegated and Team Q would not have been promoted

If all the teams in the higher division had been at Standard or made improvements as required then only Teams M and O would have been promoted to replace Teams L and K

If all the teams in both divisions had been at Standard or made improvements as required then Teams M, N and O would have been promoted to replace Teams L, K and J.

EXAMPLE 2: Teams moving from a dual tier

Higher Division Finishing Places

Team / Club At Standard
of this Division?
Relegation or
Promotion Pot/Rank?
1 Team A Y  
2 Team B Y  
3 Team C N Y  
4 Team D N Y  
5 Team E Y  
6 Team F N Y  
7 Team G N N Relegation Pot
Rank 3
no improvement in standards, 
3rd lowest place 
8 Team H Y  
9 Team I Y  
10 Team J N N Relegation Pot
Rank 2
no improvement in standards, 
2nd lowest place 
11 Team K N N Relegation Pot
Rank 1
no improvement in standards, 
lowest place 
12 Team L N Y Relegation Pot
Rank 4
lowest in Relegation place
after no improvements clubs

Lower Divisions Finishing Places (two divisions on equal footing)

Team / Club At Standard
of Division Above?
Relegation or
Promotion Pot/Rank?
Team / Club At Standard
of Division Above?
Relegation or
Promotion Pot/Rank?
1 Team M Y P1 1 Team S Y P2
2 Team N N N 2 Team T N N
3 Team O N Y 3 Team U Y P3
4 Team P N N 4 Team V N N
5 Team Q Y 5 Team W Y
6 Team R Y 6 Team X Y

In this example, normally Teams J, K & L would be replaced by Teams M, S & T (T as the highest point scoring 2nd place) but this system is now replaced by Promotion & Relegation Pots

The new
Relegation Pot
The new
Promotion Pot
The Result
The priority 1 relegation place is occupied by Team K who are the lowest placed club not to make the improvements needed

The pre-agreed promotion places here are the top of each division plus the highest point scoring 2nd place

The priority 1 promotion place is occupied by Team M who are guaranteed promotion as a team in the pre-agreed places with their club at the standard of the division above

Team M are promoted to replace Team K who have not made the required improvements
The priority 2 relegation place is occupied by Team J who are the next lowest placed club not to make the improvements needed The priority 2 promotion place is occupied by Team S who are guaranteed promotion as a team in the pre-agreed places with their club at the standard of the division above Team S replace Team J who have not made the required improvements
The priority 3 relegation place is occupied by Team G who are the next lowest placed club not to make the improvements needed

Team T are the highest point scoring second place but do not qualify because they have not met the standard

so then, the "next 3" are considered (places only down to 3rd place in each division)

in this case that is Team U, N & O in point scoring order. 

The priority 3 promotion place is occupied by Team U who are in the "next 3" and meet the standard of the Division above

Team U replace Team G  who have not made the required improvements

then, with all other clubs at Standard or meeting improvements

The priority 4 relegation place is occupied by Team L who are in the lowest placed pre-arranged relegation slot

Teams N and O are not at the standard of the Division above so do not qualify.

because there are no other teams in the promotion pot Team L is not relegated.
so with all other teams meeting the requirements or outside the the relegation places no other clubs are in the relegation pot.


Points to Note

If Team T had made the required steps to improve then they would have been promoted over Team G and Team U could not have been promoted

If all the teams in the higher division had been at Standard or made improvements as required then Teams M and S would have been promoted to replace Teams L and K

If all the teams in both divisions had been at Standard or made improvements as required then Teams M, S and T would have been promoted to replace Teams L, K and J.